Lake Jackson
Thursday, June 09th, 2022 | Author: admin
I went to lake Jackson about 5:45 this morning but when I arrived at the landing it was closed with a plastic drum with a cinder block on top. In reading all of the instructions about the ramp use I got the idea by the wording that the owner was not a nice person and I had best drop back to plan “B” or go home. There was no other landing on the South end and I had just about made up my mind to go back home. On the way I passed the landing to the North end and there were two vehicles with trailers so I decided to give it a try. The North end is almost jammed up with water hyacinths and has some coon tail moss under that. After launching there was no need to even crank the motor, just start fishing. One of the other boats was bass fishing and the other was fishing for bream. Both boats had been to the South landing too and surmised that it was closed because it had rained but it looked solid to me. I fished the sides of the water hyacinths next to the trees and finally a small bass came out and kissed the Ribbit like a bream. I let it have it and caught the fish. No more action was to be had around the edges so I decided to try the middle. One hit it like it meant it and I caught it too. There were floating patches of hyacinths as well as spots of thick coon tail so I just went down the middle with the Ribbit . Some of the fish just hit in the wide open because they were actually in the vegetation below. By now I had 8 fish. I was doing a pretty good job of catching the good bites that I was supposed to catch until I hit a certain patch of hyacinths that the wind was blowing into just right. There I missed 5 straight good bites. Different things caused the misses but two were missed because of the frog balling up on the hook. At 11 o’clock I caught number 9 and it was time to go because when I got to the North end I said I was going to fish until 9. The size was good with all but one from 2 to 3 pounds except for the FOD at around 4 unweighted. In speaking to the guy bass fishing he has been catching a “good many” “good sized” ones on the South end on a worm. He had caught none this morning. I didn’t talk to him until just before he left or I would have let him try a Ribbit.