Lake Jackson South End
Tuesday, June 14th, 2022 | Author: admin
The landing was open Monday morning and I launched early. Fishing started at 5:50 with a slight Southwest breeze. There seemed to be no interest in my Ribbit whatsoever. I fished with it for an hour or so with no bites so it was time to try something else. Having watched Major League Fishing Saturday where they caught fish on a bladed jig, out came a chatter bait. My casting accuracy was a little off but it got better after a little talk with myself. The bait came scraping by a cypress tree and one just “glommed” it and it felt like it was just the tree, but when it ran to the side I figured it out and set the hook on a nice fish in the 2 pound range. A few casts later the same type of bite and another in the same range. After that I ran out of fish so I moved to where there were more cypress trees and on the first cast came up with a tight eye. Thought the right decision had been made but it was a while before another bite came. When it did the “glomming” had gone away and the fish almost swallowed the bait to the gullet. The size had picked up to 3 1/2. The wind was blowing harder now and blowing the boat from the rear which made it hard to control in instances of a hang-up especially. I caught one more in the 3 1/2 range and then no more bites. I plan to try again soon but with a Ribbit in the shallow water where I ended up. After that with a Booyah and a worm with a light weight, like the guy told me he was catching them on the other day when the South landing was closed. I’m too hard headed sometimes.