Saturday, August 27th, 2022 | Author: admin
I was nervous about going to the Garhole after talking to a person that fishes there often. Not only had it fallen 2 1/2 feet but this person did not have glowing reports of his fishing there lately. Fishing started at 7:00. For the first three hours, fishing was terrible. Nothing on plugs and missed bites and “pull it down and run” on plastics. I started with a rugby head and a 10 inch Berkley worm that I believe was intimidating to the little bass so later I swapped to a shaky head and a smaller worm that seemed to work better. The fish were deep in the tops and the only way to fish for them was to drift up to the top and dip the worm in between the limbs and jig it up and down. Sometime they wouldn’t hit it until you were pulling it up to put somewhere else. I was using a spinning reel with power pro braid with a leader so when I felt the slightest tap I set the hook. Hookups were good. Most of the tops were in 2 to 6 feet of water and it was amazing to me how many might be in a top. Caught 18 with a FOD of 2 pounds. No telling how many bites were missed for one reason or other. It was satisfying to figure the fish out even they were small. Now to figure out the big ones. I already have some ideas.