Abort and regroup
Saturday, May 06th, 2023 | Author: admin
My intention this morning was to go to Lake Jackson and fish the north end with a ribbit frog. I had been to Lake Jackson a little over a week ago to check it out. This morning the vegetation had grown since I looked and it was too thick for me to fish effectively. I left, came back home and dropped the boat off. I gathered up a different set of rods and the battery for the garhole boat and set sail for the garhole. I stopped at the house to pick up the boat with the Jeep and headed down to the gar hole. It took a good while to put the rack on the bank and get the winch situated. Fishing started around 11:00. Fishing was nothing to write home about as I caught a grinner, a big carp, a crappie and a gar along with three bass. I stopped fishing at 3:00 because nothing was really going on . The water was very clear with a 2 and 1/2 ft visibility. It was up a little bit because the river came up enough to run in just a bit. On to another lake.