Good Day on Lake X
Friday, May 19th, 2023 | Author: admin
Mickey and I started fishing on Lake X at 7:15 this morning and at first it looked like I was wrong for wanting to go early because we fished a good way before the first bite. I missed a fish on a worm because I had forgotten to set my drag. I usually loosen them when I put them up and this is not the first time I have forgotten. It was foggy and still so of course the crazy shad came out and it was not too long until the master came out with a fish, a 6 3/4 pound bass. Soon there after a 4-15 came on the shad. The fish were right up on the bank. The fog moved in more until you could not see across the lake but the fish seemed to love the darkness. The worm caught some between the tops and the bank. We then went to a secret spot and fished with a Carolina rig where Mickey caught this 8-2, his all time best.
As the sun began to win the battle with the fog the bite slowed down somewhat but we still found a fish here and there. We ended up with 11 fish four 2 pounders which we took home and are awaiting the skillet. The fish from Lake X seem to be especially tasty. Along with the aforementioned fish we also caught a 7-1, 6-4, 5-0, and 4-0.