Lake X
Wednesday, June 07th, 2023 | Author: admin
Mickey and I started fishing at 6:30, he with the crazy shad and me with a whopper plopper. One immediately hit the plopper and took it into a top. The next one came to the boat but when it got there, I knew better, I reached down and grabbed its jaw and when I did it shook and stuck the plopper hook through the skin and almost back out of my left index finger. Mickey came and unhooked the fish but I had to deal with unhooking me. I grabbed the hook with the pliers, took my left thumb and gently pushed the hook out . The barb was doing its job but the hook could be gently pushed out without too much pain. It bled a good bit but with a paper towel and a band aide it soon stopped both bleeding and hurting and did not get in the way of the rest of the trip. After that, I threw parallel to the bank and saw a wake rise up behind the plopper. I stopped it and a 6 1/2 loaded on. The top water bite subsided and it was worm time but it was not like usual with the bass deep in the tops. Most were along the bank. Out in the middle the Carolina rigs came out and we had it going on for a while. A 6 1/4 came from that along with some others. A little after noon the Carolina bite went away so we packed it in. 14 total bass and two catfish caught on a Carolina rig.