Enid 245 Feet
Wednesday, September 13th, 2023 | Author: admin

Hal caught this 4 1/2 by the first visible stump that we fished using a Berkley Slobbernocker. The water around the stump was probably 4 feet deep. It was one of the few stumps visible. We had already caught a couple of small ones around some brush in shallow water and blind casting where there were a limb sticking up here and there. After this we went to the ” Longbranch stump” that Hal had marked on his GPS map. It was under the water but it was found exactly with a DT-6 and then probed with plastic where a 5 came out and later a 5 inch bass came out on a DT-6. Two 5’s, the largest and the smallest of the day in the same spot. From there we fished a couple of great looking spots, one being a large bush and the other a large top with plenty of limbs but nothing at either. From there we went to where some rocks cut down into the water and continued out to about 7 feet deep. There were some underwater brush piles also. We were using plastic as well as DT-6’s and the Slobbernocker. We caught a couple on DT-6’s and I started using a worm. When I had gotten through the good spot, I quickly reeled it in and just as it came out of the water a 4 pounder just blasted it right at my feet almost. It must have stunned me a little, because I didn’t snatch the bait out of the fish’s mouth. Due to the delay, when I did set the hook I had a live 4 pounder on with about 4 feet of line out. It was a rodeo going on at the back of the boat for a couple of minutes. A little later I thought my DT-6 was on the rocks and when it became apparent that it was actually a fish, I set the hook. The biggest fish of the day then came up and the hook came out. We guessed 5 +. We tried several other spots to no avail and only caught one more small one. We quit around 3:00 with 11 fish. The water is falling about .18 foot per day . The lake needs to fall a little more so more of the stumps will be visible. The visibility was about a foot and a half and the water temp is in the low 80’s.