
Cane Creek Again

Sunday, June 14th, 2009 | Author:

Bites, bites and more bites on the ribbit and Spro Bronze Eye frog is what Jackson and I got Saturday. We had a hard time converting those bites to fish in hand however. We caught 7 with the FOD at 4 -11. Most of the others were around the 2 pound mark. Caught one on a spinnerbait, one on a swimbait, but all others were on some type of frog. Sam Shackelford fished with us for a while in the afternoon. We all got bites but all missed them.  I believe Cane Creek will be a great place in the spring when the fish are really killing the frogs. Today they were hitting them just out of courtsey. It was Saturday,  and there were only one or two other boats of bass fishermen as opposed to Monticello or Ferguson that were crowded.  I do not know whether it is undiscovered or whether it’s the stumps.  I would hate to try to fish that place in a tournament style bass boat.  It’s hard enough in my shallow draft aluminum boat.

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