Wolf Lake
Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009 | Author: admin
Hal and I went to Wolf Lake today. Things started off slow in the morning but we were catching a few as we went along, mostly on a worm. The water temperature ranged from 86 t0 94 degrees. The air was hot and the sun was unmerciful. At about 3:00 it started to get cloudy and looked as if it could rain. That’s when the fish turned on. The lake has gone down 18 inches since I was there last Thursday and the fish were on any small point. We would fish them first with a DT-6 or 10 and then follow up with a worm. We ended up with 64 with a FOD of 4 – 0. A good day after such a slow start. I was so busy trying to keep up with Hal, I forgot to take pictures. We also saw a pair of black bellied whistling ducks.