Wednesday, July 29th, 2009 | Author: admin
Lake Ferguson was 23.8 feet this morning. Since I caught most of my fish in one spot the day before yesterday, I figured that spot was burned out. So I went in a different direction and tried some new spots. At the second one I caught a 3 3/4 that had the whole Poe’s crankbait in his mouth. Caught no more in that spot even after an extensive combing of the area. I hit 8 more spots in rapid sucession with nothing more than a small one here and there. At the nineth place, out in the open, on the edge of the ditch to the upper lake, I found an old friend, a 2 -13. Then I went to Monday’s good spot, where I casted without results for the first 10 casts. Then a good one hit. When it jumped I thought it had the whole bait in its mouth. As it came to the boat, I was thinking about how to get the net out from under the front deck. The fish made the power dive they always make near the boat. I stopped it but when it changed directions it came unpinned. Seven pounds easy. Managed to catch one other 3 pounder but the day was ruined. Six bass in all. One good thing happened today. I found a crankbait to replace the “found” one I lost Monday. This one is almost pretty and adds a new color scheme to my collection of “found” baits. If they all work like the Poe’s did Monday, I’m in business.
Great color. I found a deep diving Bomber Long A in the same color scheme. Caught one of the biggest strings of fish I ever caught on that bait. 12 bass and all in 5 to 5 1/2 range. I used to put it on Richard Griffin at Lake Archer on that bait. It was a standby. I miss that bait and miss fishing with Richard.