Horseshoe Lake
Friday, August 14th, 2009 | Author: admin
It’s 77 miles to Horseshoe from my house. When I was putting in a nice guy told me a couple of places to go. I went to the first one and had a bite, had one to hang me up on a root and caught this 7 – 12. I could tell the one that hung me up was pretty good but I almost jumped out of the boat when this one came up right by the boat. It looked like a giant. I could see it was hooked deep enough in his mouth that the line was being sawed by its teeth. In my mind disaster was looming due to a not so great a start anyway. When the fish came beside the boat I jammed my thumb in its mouth and snatched that joker out of the water and into the boat. I was beginning to think it might not be such a bad day after all. After this place I tried place after place shallow and deep but could get no bites. Finally I got to a place where I caught two more and lost two more all about 2 pounds apiece. Every bite was on a “Wild Thang” creature bait, made by Strike King. It’s about the same thing as a Brush Hog. The whole lake looks the same. Obviously some spots are better than others but I only found one on my own and one by the kindness of a stranger.