Quick trip
Wednesday, September 09th, 2009 | Author: admin
Gayden Bishop and I made a quick trip to Ferguson this afternoon late. We wanted to go to the Garhole but pop up showers were all around and pulling the boat out of the Garhole with the bank muddy could be problematic. The first spot produced two fish on a Poe’s crankbait. I gave Gayden the first few casts trying to let her catch the fish but it was not to be. The FOD was 3 -13. The only other fish we caught was a shad or skipjack that Gayden caught.
I don’t know whether she caught or snagged it, but one set of the trebles were in its mouth. After that, she got fired up and was standing up on the seat casting. Note the determined look on her face.
I need to get a pair of those pink britches.