
5 Bass and a cat

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009 | Author:

That’s what Mickey and I caught in Lake Ferguson this afternoon.  None big. Largest was 2-14. I’m gaining, an ounce at a time. I kept three and have already devoured one. Seviche for the rest. One I kept was over my 14 inch limit but I needed one more. We got to the spot around 3:30 and things appeared to be winding down. Caught most right away and then nothing for the rest of the afternoon.  The River is going to rise briskly starting tomorrow and go from 20.6 now to somewhere around 25.   “Edit” now it’s forecast for over 27.  With all the rain the inland lakes are going to be muddy so where am I going to fish? Guess I’ll have to travel.  Mickey and I are going to Lake Guntersville next week.

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2 Responses

  1. 1
    John Eddleman 

    The rising water is getting ready to shut them down. Caught 5 crappie and 8 bass at Coopers this P.M. and fished just above the muddy water line coming in. Largest on the bass was 5 3/4. Booyah spinner bait. Hope you have a good trip to Guntersville.

  2. 2

    You did well. I couldn’t figure out where to go. River rising and inland lakes muddy. I’ve got to edit this post. River going to above 27.

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