
8 lb 3 oz, Largest This Year

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009 | Author:

When I arrived at the lake today it was high and over the dock  but clear (4 foot visibility).  Usually this time of year it’s more like 6 foot visibility. The fish were schooling within eyesight just like Guntersville.  I launched and went straight for them and caught one right away on a buzz bait. Could catch no more on the buzzer. Then I broke out, for the first time, the 5 1/2 inch Bass Magic swimbaits with a 8/0 hook with a 3/8 oz weight on the shank. It was attached to a new 7 foot Basspro $34.99 medium action rod.  The swimbait went to the bottom, and when the bait started to move, one scarfed it. It was a 2 1/2 pounder.  He was not afraid of the big swimbait.  Here is a picture of the bait and a 4 – 14 that was the FOD when the picture was taken 10142009770You may be able to see from the photo the hook is only laying on the back of the bait and is not pinned. That really helped today with hookups. The big fish today hit relatively close to the boat and I put a pretty wimpy hookset on it but it was well hooked. The new rod and swimbaits are a great combination. Here are a few pictures of the 8 -3 FOD which was the last fish caught. You can see in one of them the scales indicate 8 -2 but when allowed to settle they were on 8 -3.10142009773 10142009778 10142009777 In the last one, as Willie would say, “That smile is for real”. Caught 10 in all today, other two biggies were 4 -8 and 4 -14.  My found lure collection had a good addition today of a Fat Free Shad that was hung up so high in a snag that I could barely reach it with my “gitter”.  It was a good day.

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3 Responses

  1. 1
    John Eddleman 

    Catfish Point or Ferguson?

  2. 2

    Neither. A secret lake in AR.

  3. 3
    John Eddleman 

    I did’t think one that size came out of Ferguson. Catfish, maybe. But a lake not affected by this rise sounds more logical.

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