

Thursday, November 05th, 2009 | Author:

It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the Garhole but I made it back Wednesday. I did not know what to expect so I took a lot of hardware.11042009783The water was the clearest I’ve ever seen with a 4 foot visibility. There was something new too, coontail moss. The moss was only around the edges as the banks of the garhole are steep and a boat length from the bank it will be 15 feet deep. In the center it was 36 feet deep. It took over two hours for the first bite to finally arrive and then it was just a bump on the swimbait. When the next one  bit the swimbait, I let it run with it to make sure the fish had it before I set the hook. It did have it and here it is.11042009784The swimbait, by the way, is a new one for me, a Robo Worm E Z Shad in the SXE  shad color. I really like the swimming action it has. I m going to have a swimbait post soon give my observations on all the different ones I’ve tried. After this fish came 21 more, most on a worm, however. Four were over 3 with the FOD @ 3 – 10 and a lot between 2 and 3. It’s going to get nothing but better because there is a big crop of small bass. They quit at 2:30 and it was funny that they quit on Hal at Enid at 2:30 too. He caught 42.  Got doe number 2 out of the way this morning so the deck is cleared for more fishing soon.

Edit: Please excuse.  Hal caught 52 at Enid, I have been notified.  Honest mistake.  What’s 10 here or there.

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One Response

  1. 1

    Correction. I caught 52 at Enid. Fod 3 1/4# and another 3#. Don’t cut me short, Harley.

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