8 bass today
Monday, November 09th, 2009 | Author: admin
Went today to Lake Monticello and thought I was going to do well. It was going to be cloudy and maybe a sprinkle or two, good weather for water with 5 foot visibility. There were lots of schooling bass, 2 or 3 ounces from 3 pounds, that were moving fast and hard to catch. A Rapala DTF-3 did a good job of catching the schooling bass. The Robo Worm E Z Shad caught a few too as well as the FOD of 5 – 0. In my recent swimbait post I noted the eyes of the E Z Shad coming off but the fish didn’t seem to mind. It alternated with the 5 1/2 inch Bass Magic which caught nothing today. There have been 6 or 8 fish caught on that same E Z Shad and other than the eyes missing and looking like it got hit with sandpaper, its good to go. The neat little hook hider is a big reason for that. Since you don’t have to pull the hook through the plastic, the bait can be made with harder plastic, thus your little screw in spring will hold a lot longer. A lot of tentative bites today.
EDIT: Hal called to report on Beaverdam. It’s usually not too good when the water cools but he and Richard caught 30. They had none 3 or better but got their line stretched 30 times. Duck season is coming so they are going to have to quit fishing there soon.
Got a text from Taff reporting on the tournament at Wolf Lake. It’s high and muddy so the winners had around 12 pounds for the 4 fish they are allowed to keep there. Big fish was just over 4 pounds. It took 16 to 18 pounds to win there this summer.