Odds and Ends
Friday, December 18th, 2009 | Author: admin
A tournament on Ferguson December 5th was won with an astounding , to me, 26+ pounds. Fourth place was 20+. What made me say astounding was the low that day was 26 degrees. Some were caught on a slow moving jig, so I heard.
Hal is closing in on 2000 bass for the year 2009. The fish have been stingy with him lately but he’s working hard to break the barrier. I feel confident he will. I don’t count up until the year is over so it will not skew the results with a last minute “get the numbers up” trip. “Know thy self “.
Taff went to Chicot the other day and had a skunk. He had three bites with one getting off right at the boat. Depending on how close to the boat it was, I know some people who would have counted that one as caught “with a long handled net”. I’m not calling any names however.
My depthfinder is sitting on the floor of my bathroom where it has been in residence for at least three weeks. The sidefinding part went out and I sent it to the factory. It was diagnosed as needing a new transducer due to a bad transistor. $ Ouch$. They also updated the software in the main unit. Don’t know if it works yet because it’s still in the bathroom. Deer season is taking its toll.
Any mallards being killed at Catfish? We have been 3 times on the river. 25 gadwals, 1 greenhead and 1 banded wood duck. Where are the greenheads that are suppose to be down here this time of year????
I have not talked to the duck hunters. Children home. One told me about 10 days ago that some locals were killing SOME ducks but what kind was not discussed.