
A better mousetrap

Saturday, February 13th, 2010 | Author:

I came across something different Friday and thought, although it does not pertain to fishing, it would be of interest.  The mice at Catfish Point have been terrible this winter. It may be due to the large pecan crop in my yard or perhaps the cold weather but it’s a plague. Thank goodness they are all outside. None in the house. A few years back, my friend Curlee Simmons described a mousetrap that he claimed was the best, and since then, I have tried it with good success.  A slick sided bowl, bucket, or even a trash can with steep sides can be used.  Fill it with enough water so the mice can’t touch the bottom and wipe peanut butter on the sides down toward the water. Put a little on the rim too,  just enough to give them a taste. Then place it next to something the mice can climb up to get to the rim and the photo shows you what happens.  0212201080802122010807 It’s a trap that keeps on catching. Usually I just lift them out by the tail but these had been in the trap for a few days so I just poured them out and put some fresh water back in.  This is the third largest number at one time. My record is 10 at one time. My bowl was broken this winter when I tried to “bump” out the ice. It still works however.  Rats as well as mice can be caught in a five gallon bucket or a cut off 30 gallon drum. The water just has to be deeper.  A warming trend is coming and if a 50 degree high is forecast, I’m going fishing. If the forecast stays the same as it is now, it looks like Wednesday and Thursday.           EDIT 2/23/10  I dumped out another 7 today.

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