Catfish Chute revisited
Sunday, August 10th, 2008 | Author: admin
Revisited the chute Saturday and hooked a “grinner” on the first cast. Got it to the boat before my spinnerbait broke in half. After putting on another, I caught a bass and then caught, this time, another “grinner” 4 1/2 pounds. The Booyah was mangled, almost beyond repair and it took about 10 minutes of intense work with two pairs of pliers to get it to run almost right. “Grinners” and spinnerbaits are a bad combination, especially for the spinnerbait, but in my case from now on, for the “grinner” too. When I had him with the grabber, I tried to give him a needle nose pliers headache. I ended up catching 11 bass, a “grinner”and a crappie with the FOD (bass) at 3 Pounds. Five bass under 14 inches and the crappie were kept as the ones I kept the other day were delicious. Recipe in another post. The bass were caught mostly on a worm. Speaking of which, I tried the new worm and found it spirals . First one way, then the other. It did not seem to twist the line but the time I fished with it was not long. To get the bass to bite the worm you had to shake it at them. Was able to take a picture or two because of the lack of mosquitoes.