A good recipe for bass
Sunday, August 10th, 2008 | Author: admin
In a flat buttered pan (with shallow edges) put your bass fillets (from under 14 inch fish) skin side down. Melt a butter, lemon juice, and garlic mixture and pour over the fish. About 3/4 stick of butter, two good lemons worth of juice and one clove of garlic, minced. Sprinkle lightly with lemon pepper and sprinkle with a layer of parmesan cheese. I like more parmesan rather than less. Cook in the pan outside on the grill, top closed, adding wood to make smoke if possible. It can also be cooked in the oven under the broiler if the rack is lowered so it will not catch the butter on fire. It’s done when the fish flakes with a fork. In the last we cooked, I added capers on top of the parmesan cheese. You can add anything you like as a topping as I did with the capers.