
Garhole with Hal

Monday, June 21st, 2010 | Author:

Since Saturday was such a success, I wanted to share the wealth. That seems to be the politically correct thing to do these days. Hal could come, spend the night and fish on Monday, so he got the job. We put in earlier than before, and just like before, the fish were out in the middle  to start. We caught the better fish there but the bite was not as intense as Saturday.  The fish size was nowhere close.  We caught 56  with the FOD of 3 – 12. There were three others over three and a few just under. Many were this size although maybe not as fat.


Hal caught some on a Ribbit but most on a sluggo or fluke type bait. He would skip the bait under the bushes to the bank where the fish were waiting in the shade.  Here he is with a fish vying for the smallest of the day.


I think I caught the fish with the sunken belly again that was pictured in Saturday’s post. It looked the same and had a wound in its mouth from Saturday’s hook.  We had a great time in the Garhole that was known as the Third Dike Bluehole when we fished it while in high school.

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