

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010 | Author:

I went to Beaverdam, of Nash Buckingham fame, today with Richard. It’s a beautiful spot full of cypress trees and a lot of green duckweed that plays a large part in the fishing. The duckweed moves around the lake, flowing with the wind, and the fish will get in the “moss current” to seek out food.  Here is a photo of my host and the scenery as we stopped to have a snack for lunch.


We caught most of the 21 bass by “dipping and dunking”, a technique Richard has developed for fishing in Beaverdam with a worm.  He uses a worm with a paddle tail or a Paca Craw with a light weight. With a spinning rod he flips it to the trees and swims the worm back without it dragging on the bottom. We caught some close to the boat just “doodlesocking” it around the trees. The water there is not very clear and a result is the fish are not afraid of the boat. If they hit it and miss, they will hit it again most of the time if they don’t feel the hook. A few were caught on a Ribbit frog. Richard looked in the door of one of the duck blinds and saw an otter peering out at us.  It bailed out and swam to a nearby log where it had its photo taken.


The weather cooperated with a little breeze and some occasional clouds to block the sun. It was a good day of fishing.

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