Great day on Ferguson
Thursday, August 21st, 2008 | Author: admin
I was going to go to Tunica to fish with Richard today but the weatherman scared me into postponing the trip till Tuesday.  When I got up this morning there was no rain so rather than wasting a day, I went to Ferguson. Of course I went straight to the place where I left off yesterday. The DT-6 started off burning them up. The lake had fallen and they were out a little more but were there chasing shad and biting almost every cast. I had caught 40 by 9:40. Most were on the DT-6 pictured but some of the later ones were on a worm and a few on a DT-10. The first photo is of the DT-6 I’ve caught them on the last two days and the second is one of the schooling size bass I caught. Notice the firetail smellyworm hanging out of his mouth. Ended up with 47. If yesterday was good today had to be great.
Your on fire. This is my favorite river stage 20-23. I cant go until saturday. I have saveral go to spots at this stage. There is a big tourn saturday on fergy, but I am going to fight it out since I have not been able to go this week.
One good spot can make you look like a genius. Just lucky to be there when the school came through and when they wanted to bite.