

Saturday, September 18th, 2010 | Author:

Previously, In an effort to combat the volume of spam, I cut off the ability of readers to comment. It did not help.  I’m turning the comments back on and will continue to delete the spam.  Thanks for visiting The Bitespot.

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2 Responses

  1. 1

    Mr. Harley..
    I have been working everyday since harvest started Aug 1st and have enjoyed reading your blog…If I cannot be fishing I like to read about someone’s trip. Harvest will be over soon so I will see you on the lake…keep up the posts!

  2. 2
    Gene Jones 

    I SECOND that!
    keep on posting
    I have known and respected you, along with your fishing ability!!!!, for a long time and look forward to reading how your day or week went. I especially like the “found” lure stories!!
    keep it up
    Gene J

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