
A Whopper

Sunday, September 19th, 2010 | Author:

It’s a whopper alright but it’s not a fish. It’s a prize winning cypress tree, I think the largest in the world. The tree is located in the Sky Lake WMA in Humphreys County. It is said to be 2000 years old . I don’t know who figured that out but it’s massive. It’s not the only one either there are many large trees in that stand. The picture does not do it justice because there is nothing in it so you can judge the size of the tree. The swamp that it’s in is dry because of the drought and the MS Dept. of Wildlife Fisheries and Parks is building a walkway out to the tree so it will be accessible when the swamp fills again with water. It’s worth the ride over to see it.


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One Response

  1. Is that the tree on Mark Simmons old place? It is huge!
    I heard you and Mark had a good time. He said you wouldn’t let him bring enough home for the store!

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