
Excitement at the Landing

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 | Author:

I caught one right off the bat on a swimbait at Monticello, but then the  bite settled into the doldrums as the wind shifted to the North and was cold.  One hit a Ribbit in shallow water twice getting hooked the second time. It hung me up on one of the millions of stumps and escaped. The thunder bumped in the distance about 10:30 so I got out of the deep stumps in preparation for a dash to the landing. The sprinkle had just started when one hit the swimbait.  I got a good hookset but the fish jumped and threw the hook just like last week. The fish was a little smaller but not too much. Mad as a wet hen and getting wetter myself by the minute,  I broke for the landing. Discretion is the better part of valor. Upon reaching the landing there was a crowd of official looking vehicles and some onlookers too.  I asked what was  happening and was told someone had reported a car under the water.  I offered to find it for the divers with my side scan depthfinder but they already had it located. When I loaded the boat the depthfinder got a picture of the truck that was submerged.  You could tell what it was for sure. The divers found it, hooked up the cable, and the wrecker pulled it out. The truck had been under for a long time as algae was growing all over it. Here are the pictures.

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In the third picture the bed of the truck was still almost full of water.  I’m glad there was excitement at the landing because there was not too much on the lake.

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One Response

  1. 1
    Hal Moore 

    Arkabutla used to be a favorite dumping area for stolen vehicles from Memphis. Back when I was working,I found an $80K Mercedes convertible at a ramp as the lake was falling.

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