
Old Milwaukee Fishing Trip

Thursday, October 28th, 2010 | Author:

Wednesday morning I went to Lake Whittington with the water stage at 8.8 at Arkansas City. I have not been there in a long time and have heard some success stories from there but had no idea where to go or what bait to use. Looking for some wood in the water was a good place to start. The water falling had left most of the tops up on the dry ground.  I found a few in the water and a Booyah spinnerbait started getting good results.


Around 10:00 or so things started to pick up as the fish started to sting the Booyah and get the hook deep in their mouth.  I ran out of  productive tops and moved to a different part of the lake. There were a line of tops down the bank and only a slight change of the steepness of the slope of the bank made the ones on the steeper part better than the others. By noon I had 33 and called John Shackelford on the phone to return his call that I had missed.  I was sitting on one side of a treetop. When I finished the call, I moved to the other side and it was on!  The fish had the shad hemmed up and were working on them. I started catching them every cast, those zinging hits that make your line go out to the side.  Hence the name of this post. Old Milwaukee beer had a TV commercial a good while back whose ending line was “It just doesn’t get any better than this”.  That was  exactly what I was thinking.  23 bass came off of that top.


It was getting close to the time I needed to go if I wanted to bowhunt that afternoon so I only caught a few more before I left.  The total for the day was 59. Most were in the 1 1/4 to 2 1/2 pound range.  I had some guests for supper in my backyard too.


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