
Low Lake Ferguson

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012 | Author:

Mickey and I went to Ferguson this afternoon about 4:00.  We started in the very end of the lake and worked our way back to the waterfront. I tried a deep crank but nothing doing and after getting behind I had to switch to a worm and try to catch a few.  The first fish caught was the FOD which was 3 – 6. That fish was long enough to be a 4 but was not very fat. Long and lean but not overly skinny like it was sick or something. We caught a few here there and yonder but no big concentration in any one place. A rainstorm came by relatively close but no rain falling on us, only the downdraft wind that got fairly strong and made us move to a sheltered bank. Equipment malfunctions plagued us. I had a spinning reel that locked up and I had to wind the line in by hand until I started turning the spool and whatever was stuck came loose and I reeled in the last few feet. I made one more cast with it and it made noises when I reeled it in. A repair job for tomorrow. Mickey had the end line guide come loose after just getting someone to glue it on. We both had superglue but both tubes were hard. Another rod and reel deadlined.  Fifteen was the final number. I just looked back and saw that the last time I fished on Lake Ferguson was April 29th. Missed some good fishing there between then and now but I’ve missed a lot of fishing everywhere lately. Going to change that.

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