Lake Enterprise
Saturday, May 16th, 2015 | Author: admin
Jackson had me over to fish Enterprise Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Friday afternoon there was not too much going on but we were fishing for the skillet so we tried a little harder. First we went to an area that was shallow and was solid duckweed, a perfect Ribbit spot. We had some halfhearted bites there but there were no real takers. There was another spot where you could get inside the outside cypress trees and fish in an open area next to the bank where grass and weeds were in the water. Jackson was able to coax a couple to hit a devil horse and if they got even close those hooks stuck and held. We had to leave early because we didn’t want supper to be too late. As we were leaving a tighteye finally hit my Booyah. We had four for the afternoon.
Saturday morning we ran down the lake to an undisclosed spot where the shad were spawning on the duckweed out in the middle of the lake. The bass were there too and soon started to show themselves. A pop R, a Ribbit, and a discount table popper that Mickey gave me were the best baits. Here is Jackson with the 3 – 6 FOD.
You can see the duckweed in the middle of the lake. As we were taking this photo he had his rod across the boat with his bait dangling in the water. Â “One just hit at my bait right there ” he said as one made a pass at his dangling bait.
The fish bit during the major period and then slowed down considerably, but even when they bit many of them would miss the whole bait. We ended up with 9 bass. We fished out of Jackson’s new boat. It’s an 18 foot aluminum with high sides, a wide bottom and is powered by a 70 Yamaha four stroke. It has a 24 volt Minkota trolling motor. I like everything about the boat and is very comfortable to fish out of.