Saturday, June 17th, 2017 | Author: admin
I usually follow the rules, especially ones that I make. This morning Mickey and I broke the “no fishing on public lakes on the weekend” rule. We thought we would be fine because we went so early. The spot we had planned to fish was empty when we arrived. Empty of people and fish. I feel it had been picked over a few days earlier because one of the people that came by wanting to fish it said ” I heard they was stacked up in here a few days ago”. We caught three small bass and four gaspergous. We stayed longer that we usually would because the water was just right and it has been a great place in the past. The number one spot was just across the lake so we moved. A DT-6 was a good bait there and we caught a few on it and a DT-10. That spot played out so we moved again to the spot where I caught the stripes the other day. Someone was sitting on the spot and we got to watch them catch a couple before we left. The next couple of hours we prospected with no luck and on the way back by we tried the place that was occupied, since the boat had left. Caught one on the second cast on a worm. We sat there and ran the count up to 14 before we left for the number one spot again. At the number one spot we only caught one more to bring the total to 15 and a FOD of 2-14. Most of the fish were deep.