Towhead Chute
Friday, June 22nd, 2018 | Author: admin
I awakened at 4:00 this morning confused about where I could fish. Lake Ferguson was on top of the list until I went outside and saw the low clouds hustling by. Too much wind. I would have loved to go to the private hole but the road was too muddy. My jeep would have made it but I didn’t want to rut it up. Deer Creek, since there is a new ramp at Arcola, was also a possibility but with all the rain recently it may have been turbid. Yesterday when I went up to check the cabin, I saw Frank fishing in the Towhead Chute. That gave me the idea of going up there. It came slow after about a half cup of coffee. I rounded up my stuff and took off. Frank was fishing a top water at 6:30 when I finally got in the water. He allowed as how he had caught “just a hand full”. Going a long way down the lake and on the other side so as not to cut him off, I too started with a cripple killer. Bites were not forthcoming from bass but there were plenty from the gars. I finally managed to catch one but it was on his second try. One place got extensively worked over with the killer and no bite but when I threw in a found crank bait the 2 1/2 FOD latched on. That told me they really were not wanting a top water. The sky had become dark and ominous looking. The first thunder sent me to the landing where I parked the boat and sat in the dry truck. Shortly I was joined by Frank and we compared notes. He said he had a good many blowups too. I went back when the rain slacked up and was going to fish a Booyah. The fish were not shy about biting it. The first fish broke the wire in the bend but it was already in the boat. I caught a few more before the next thunder rattled things. I had a rain suit on but by now I was worried about pulling the boat out and not getting stuck. The tires on my truck are street tires and are beginning to be worn. I quit at 9:30 with 6 fish and, although the tires spun, I made it up the hill just fine.