Enid 234
Thursday, December 02nd, 2021 | Author: admin
Hal and I met at the Wallace Creek landing this morning at 7:30 and started fishing right at the ramp. I caught a 5 pound bass last year on a small point close to the landing very quickly and Hal did the exact same thing today.
That’s where the similarity to last years trip ended. We had a long dry spell afterward. The water was a rather cold 52 degrees to start and by 3:00 was up to 57 on the windblown side. The wind blew the water on top that had been warmed by the sun over to the North bank. When the water warmed, the fish bit a little more but only a little. Another issue was that as we fished around, we watched four boats fish the same spots we had fished or wanted to fish. Those spots had already been worn out. Take a number and get in line. We ended up catching 8 with the aforementioned 5 pound FOD.