A good day on Ferguson
Wednesday, August 20th, 2008 | Author: admin
I went to the South end to start this morning but the falling water has moved them from my spots. Working my way up the lake, I finally caught a few. Finally at 12 noon I found the honey hole and started catching them on every cast almost. 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 pounds. There were some pole fishermen (that’s being generous) that saw me pulling them out and couldn’t stand it. They got out their casting rods and proceeded to come over and fish in the spot, almost getting over the fish. I asked them twice, nicely, not to get over the fish and the second time the man in the front got nasty and showed his true color. Maybe it was because they didn’t catch a fish the whole time. He made some mention that it shouldn’t matter since I was throwing them back anyway. Just to gig him a little I caught a 4 1/2 ( the FOD) and threw it back too on his side of the boat. I told him to smile as I took his picture. The fellow in the back of the boat seemed embarrassed and never said a word. Ended up with 21 bass and a catfish. And yes, caught most on a DT-6.
I almost went this afternoon but thought it was going to storm. Good catch!
I;m going back for a rematch in the morning. Know where to go now, that is, if the lake has not gone down too much for the spot. Scared to go to Tunica because of the weather.